September 25-28, 2022, Online Virtual

CDVE2022 Registration Opens

Early registration for accepted paper authors : June 25, 2022
Early registration for all participants:  July 31, 2022

Online participation rate
  Early registration 390 USD.  Normal registration 450 USD. The registration fee includes publication of your accepted paper in the Springer LNCS, online presentation of the paper, the admission to all the sessions in our virtual conference room. It will also include some social activities, a digital copy of the proceedings, possibility of one hard copy of the proceedings sent to you after conference.

Here is the registration form. You do not need to have a Google account to make registration. After you fill up this form, our registration team will send you an email with a payment link that you can pay.
The fields with * are required to fill up as indicated below:

If you want to send the proceedings book to you by surface mail, please fill up the following form.

Technical Sponsor

IEEE SMC Visual Analytics and
                                  Communication Technical Committee


Jagiellonian University

University of Balearic Islands

                          Institute of Science and Technology
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Information Visualization Society


Interact Design
Note: the left picture of the banner is part of an image of google map images.