September 25-28, 2022, Online Virtual

Program Committee

Conference Chair
Professor Yuhua Luo  University of Balearic Islands, Spain

Program Committee Chair
Thomas Tamisier Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Barbara M.     Anthony    Southwestern University    USA
Conrad    Boton    Université du Québec    Canada
Jose Alfredo    Costa    Federal University,  UFRN    Brazil
Philipp M.    Fischer    DLR (German Aerospace Center)    Germany
Sebastiŕ     Galmés    University of Balearic Islands    Spain
Halin     Gilles    School of Architecture of Nancy    France
Peter Nřrkjćr    Gade    University College of Northern Denmark    Denmark
Figen     Gül     Istanbul Technical University    Turkey
Shuangxi    Huang    Tsinghua University    China
Tony    Huang    University of Technology Sydney    Australia
Claudia-Lavinia    Ignat    INRIA    France
Ursula     Kirschner    Leuphana University Lüneburg    Germany
Jean-Christophe Lapayre   Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)    France
Pierre    Leclercq    University of Liege    Belgium
Jang Ho     Lee    Hongik University    South Korea
Jaime    Lloret    Polytechnic University of Valencia    Spain
Manuel    Ortega    Castilla – La Mancha University    Spain
Juan Carlos     Preciado    University of Extremadura    Spain
Niko    Salonen    Nextage Advisory Services    Finland
Nobuyoshi    Yabuki    Osaka University    Japan
Xinwei    Yao    Zhejian University of Technology    China

Technical Sponsor

IEEE SMC Visual Analytics and
                                  Communication Technical Committee


Jagiellonian University

University of Balearic Islands

                          Institute of Science and Technology
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Information Visualization Society


Interact Design

Note: the left picture of the banner is part of an image of google map images.