September 25-28, 2022, Krakow, Poland Onsite and Online

CDVE2022 Special Journal Issues

The CDVE2022 conference will publish two  special issues on the following journals:

Special issue 1. On Electronics journal: Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292)
indexed by SCIE, SCOPUS, EI, IEEE Xplore, Google scholar etc, Impact Factor of 2.110.

Special issue 2. On IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine indexed by ESCI, SCOPUS, EI, IEEE Xplore, etc.

Title: Cooperative design, visualization, engineering, and applications
Guest editors Yuhua Luo,  Sebastia Galmer
Scope Papers of all areas concerning multiple users, multiple locations, multiple units, multiple sensors etc. are within the scope of the special issue. Click IEEE SMC Magazine special issue topics for details.
Manuscript and Submission
Preparation of manuscripts should refer to the guidelines in the “Information for Authors” as following:
Please use the manuscript submission system in the above guidelines. The site has instructions and help buttons on each page.
If the manuscript or a considerable part of it has been presented, published, or submitted for publication elsewhere, you must inform the Editor. Failure to do so may result in the immediate rejection of your manuscript.

Important dates
• Manuscript submissions due: Dec. 10, 2022
• First round of reviews completed:  March 1, 2023
• Revised manuscripts due: March 15, 2023
• Final manuscripts due: May 15, 2023
Request for information (Corresponding Guest Editor’s E-mail) Yuhua Luo: y.luo @ , or yluo @

Technical Sponsor

IEEE SMC Visual Analytics and
                                  Communication Technical Committee


Jagiellonian University

University of Balearic Islands

                          Institute of Science and Technology
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Information Visualization Society


Interact Design

Note: the left picture of the banner is part of an image of google map images.