Sept. 20 - Sept. 23, 2015, Mallorca, Spain

Program committee

Conference Chair
Professor Yuhua Luo  University of Balearic Islands, Spain

Program Committee Chair
Professor Dieter Roller  University of Stuttgart, Germany

Jose Alfredo Costa Federal University,  UFRN Brazil
Peter Demian Loughborough University UK
Carrie Sturts  Dossick University of Washington USA
Susan Finger Carnegie Mellon University USA
Sebastia  Galmes University of Balearic Islands Spain
Halin  Gilles School of Architecture of Nancy France
Matti Hannus Technical Research Centre of Finland Finland
Shuangxi Huang Tsinghua University China
Tony Huang University of Tasmania Australia
Claudia-Lavinia Ignat INRIA France
Jessie Kennedy Edinburgh Napier University UK
Harald Klein Siemens AG Germany
Jean-Christophe Lapayre Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) France
Francis Lau University of Hong Kong HongKong
Pierre Leclercq University of Liege Belgium
Jang Ho  Lee Hongik University South Korea
Jos P. van Leeuwen The Hague University of Applied Sciences The Netherlands
Kwan-Liu Ma University of California,  Davis USA
Mary Lou Maher University of North Carolina Charlotte  USA
Toan Nguyen INRIA France
Manuel Ortega Castilla – La Mancha University Spain
Niko Salonen Rolls-Royce Oy Ab Finland
Fernando Sanchez Figueroa University of Extremadura Spain
Weiming Shen National Research Council of Canada Canada
Ram Sriram National Institute of Standards & Technology USA
Chengzheng Sun Nanyang Technological University  Singapore
Thomas Tamisier Public Research Centre - G. Lippmann Luxembourg
Xiangyu  Wang Curtin University  Australia
Nobuyoshi Yabuki Osaka University Japan


University of Balearic Islands


University of Balearic Islands

Institut für Rechnergestützte Ingenieursysteme

Information Visutalization Society

 Supporting journals

Concurrent Engineering 


Interact Design