Sept. 20 - Sept. 23, 2015, Mallorca, Spain

CDVE2015 final program

You can now download the final program on our program page. All the speakers and session chairs, please take a look at the session corresponding to you. We ask all the speakers to send the Powerpoint presentation to the conference email.
All the speakers, please also send 3 lines for the chair to introduce you before the speech. You can send it with your Powerpoint presentation file.

Call for participants, welcome to CDVE2015

The conference will be held in the hotel Club Pollentia is a 4 Stars vacation village in the North of Mallorca, between Alcúdia and Pollensa, situated in front of the Mediterranean Sea. See for more details. How to come to the hotel, please check our venue page.

If you work in the conference technical area, you can participate the conference without a paper. You can make registration and make the hotel reservation as well.

CDVE2015 Call for Poster Papers

CDVE2015 call for poster papers is open. We welcome poster submissions for in progress work, position papers and other unpublished research results related to our conference theme.  The deadline for poster abstract submission is May 20, 2015. Please see the submission page for more details.

CDVE2015 Call for Papers

After a successful conference CDVE2014 in Seattle, USA, our conference will come back to its home in Spain by the Mediterranean Sea. CDVE2015 will be held on Sept. 20 - Sept. 23, 2015, Mallorca, Spain.

The cooperative design, visualization, engineering and other cooperative applications are now facing new challenges. There are many important technologies appeared: cloud technology, ubiquitous broadband Internet access, mobile technology, the big data, social networks, e-business, e-health, just to name a few. 

You are all welcome to submit papers to answer the new challenges in this new computing landscape. The prestigious CDVE conferences have been and still will be a unique meeting point for the experts, researchers, developers and practitioners in the cooperative design, visualization, engineering and other cooperative application areas. Our conference authors are always from more than 20 countries and from all the continents. CDVE conferences are also famous in their colorful and enjoyable social activities. You are invited to submit a paper and join us. Please see the call for papers for the call for paper topics.
All the accepted papers (full and short) will be published in the proceedings by Springer Verlag on their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). In addition, selected papers will be published in some journals including SCI indexed journals.
Our proceedings book published by the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) enters the following indexing systems:

• ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) included in ISI Web of  Science •  Google Scholar  •  IO-Port
• EI Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec databases) •  MathSciNet            
•  ACM Digital Library •  Scopus
• dblp •  Zentralblatt MATH


University of Balearic Islands


University of Balearic Islands

Institut für Rechnergestützte Ingenieursysteme

Information Visutalization Society

 Supporting journals

Concurrent Engineering 


Interact Design