Sept. 20 - Sept. 23, 2015, Mallorca, Spain

Hotel Reservation Form

The hotels will be extremely full due to this year's high demand in Mallorca. The conference has already reserved a block of hotel rooms with the conference compensation for the participants. All the registered participants should use the following form to reserve your hotel room to avoid problems. You should reserve your room by June 19, 2015. You will not be charged until early September. Here is the hotel reservation form. Click on the form to download it.

CDVE2015  Registration

The CDVE2015 early registration fee will be 480 Euros.  There are 3 parts in the registration: Part I, II and part III as follows. Part I is the registration information and calculation. Part II is the payment page. Part III is the payment confirmation.

Part I. Please fill up the following form:  (if you can not see the contents of the following form, download the form here and send it by email to us. See the end of the page for email address.)

Part II. Please download the payment form and make your registratoin payment.

Part III. Please fill up the following form after you make the payment. If you don't see the contents of the form, please download it here and send the form to the conference email address.


University of Balearic Islands


University of Balearic Islands

Institut für Rechnergestützte Ingenieursysteme

Information Visutalization Society

 Supporting journals

Concurrent Engineering 


Interact Design