September 11-14, 2011

Call for Reviewers for CDVE2012

CDVE conferences are unique meeting points for researchers, developers, practitioners in the field of cooperative design, cooperative visualization, cooperative engineering and other cooperative applications.

The conference addresses theoretical and practical problems of cooperative design, visualization, engineering and other applications where multiple locations, multiple users, or multiple machines are involved.

We welcome the experts in these areas to help us to review our papers.  CDVE2011 review is finished. If you are interested in being CDVE2012 paper reviewer, please send an email to cdve2011 at with the subject line containing the word "reviewer"  to indicate:

Your name, title, affiliation, job title, your web page (if any), contact informatoin, area of expertise and the topics of papers you want to review.

We just want you to note that being a reviewer has certain responsibility. Please make sure that you can really fulfil the review task during our reviewing time before you send the mail to us.


Hong Kong University

University of
Hong Kong

University of Balearic Islands

German Graphic Society
